
Oh so warm and dry

Ah, definitely one of my more well-liked songs I’ve heard in the past couple of years. And, how coincidental that its title just fits so seamlessly with this blog’s overarching theme as of late. I'm waiting for one of my aunts to finish up so I can drive her back. I don’t want to crowd the room (or smell it) so here I am, staring out into the dusky Western sky. This is different from the city that I’ve milled around for the past … however long it’s been. Even though the downtown still requires much development before finally becoming that “world-class city” that it wants so hard to pride itself as, it’s still a common phenomenon for me to become lost in its hubbub.

A thoroughly appreciated change of pace, and, though overt metropolitan artifacts still clutter into the current panorama, I am reminded now of this almost cliché epiphany that pops its head up as needed by my often waning sanity: as many constructs as we may create, no matter how high they extend and how hard they try to reach into the sky, no matter how suffocating they may seem to be with their artificial ability to loom and lord over us, there is still this huge world, and this infinitely huger universe, just around the corner that just cannot be conquered by any acts of our collectively grasping mortal hands.

And with that in mind, I feel like it's ok for me to just sit here for a bit and breathe, in and out, and to let my mind rejoin the clouds, if only for a short while.

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